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21 Diary Days

For 21 days, I bettered myself. I did this everyday by telling myself two statements: I’m proud of you for (______) and I like you for (________). Inspired by Lisa Nichol’s speech, “Find Your Way Back”, I decided it was time to heal myself. After being in therapy since age 12 & using different methods to cope with my mental illness, ranging from self-destructive behavior to art to talk therapy to suppressing emotions, I found that I was stuck in a head space, a mentality, behind a brick wall I couldn’t escape. Confronting myself and realizing I didn’t want to be sad anymore has been one of the bravest things I have done for myself. Change is never easy. I’m taking my life back from the thorns of depression, anxiety and insecurity. This is my diary of those 21 days, a reflective narrative composed of self portraits, words, and appreciation of my journey.

This is my most personal, bleeding heart work yet. I have chosen to heal myself.


"Intimacy, noun: 1- a state of being intimate; 2. A close, familiar and usually affectionate or loving personal relationship with another person or group; 3. A close association with or detailed knowledge or deep understanding of a place, subject, period of history, etc.; 

     For this on going project, I plan to explore the different types and meanings to intimacy and bring them to my photographs. I plan to use the word “Intimacy” and not just be nude- I want to show I can do more than just nude work, while using a diverse word that will allow me to also explore potential. Follow the chapters of intimacy." - Madeline DeAngelo

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